Children and young people

In addition to my work
with adults, I have more than 6 years of experience working with children and young people.

This therapeutic work has involved play therapy, art therapy and using creative ways of connecting with my clients. I have found that this has lead to meaningful change and positive well-being outcomes.

When working with children, sessions are spent building and maintaining a safe and trusting relationship
between myself
and my client.

Together with my young clients, we explore their feelings and emotions as we figure out their inner world and anything they’d like to change.

Your child may be struggling to manage their emotions, and perhaps find it difficult to process loss or changes in their life (for example attending a new school, the death of a family member or loss of friendships). By having a space to talk every week with a trained professional, your child will learn ways of coping and feel more in control.

Some children accessing counselling for the first time may not know what counselling is, and may be unsure of how to use the session space each week. In initial sessions, I discuss with my young clients what counselling is, and how it can be used as a tool to help them to feel better. Counselling with both adults and children is a case of collaborative ‘team work’, and I will provide helpful resources to my clients where it feels appropriate.

If you are a parent interested in counselling for your child, we can arrange a free 20 minute consultation to discuss how I may be able to support your child at this time.