What to expect
from therapy

It is rare that in our life we find a space to speak freely without judgement from others.

Counselling with me is an opportunity to talk openly in a space that is completely yours each week. Sessions provide a unique environment to explore how you’re feeling with a trained professional.

Counselling will be collaborative and we will sit together as we make sense of things.

I won’t give you advice but I will listen, ask questions, and from time to time, I may gently challenge you if that feels appopriate.

As your counsellor, I will provide a listening ear and a space where we can reflect together. You may want to share your fears and worries, but also your hopes for the future.

You can set the pace of the sessions and what we speak about. This may differ from week to week.

When we work together, I am open to any feedback you may have. We can regularly review our time together, and think about how sessions are going for you.

  • We know from experience and the growing body of supportive literature […] that the therapeutic relationship a counsellor forms with each client can be the most powerful tool for helping clients change.

    (Cochran & Cochran, 2015, p. ix)


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